The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference | 27–30 October 2024 | Portland, OR
Dr. Angel Durr

Dr. Angel Durr is a  first-gen college student, actress, speaker, strategic data scientist, educator, PhD, writer, ADHD-Autistic, entrepreneur, Data Evangelist, education technologist, consultant, and a proudly disabled Afro-Hispanic woman. I was raised by two high school dropout drug addicts who were often incinerated and I had to raise my siblings as a result. I am a real-life Fiona Gallagher. I love sharing my store of triumph over circumstances with others who need uplifting.

Hyperpersonalizing Equally: Ethical Hyperautomation Strategy

The ethical and fair application of Al enabled hyperautomated systems is a business and moral imperative, especially those whose technologies impact a wide market segment or whose applications affect critical use cases. Adhering to ethical principles will help ensure Al continues to advance and become widely adopted, have a significant impact in both consumer and enterprise domains, while fostering brand trust. The hyper-personalization concept, in essence, provides an opportunity for marketers to deliver real-time, anywhere-anytime content and customer experience at an individual level. Marketers today know way more about customer identities, lifestyles, behaviors, habits, and preferences than customers know about themselves. We will discuss considerations for developing a measurable ethical content strategy and how to balance profit while minimizing potential harm to your audience.

What you will learn in this workshop:

  • What is Ethics?
  • DEI and Hyperautomation
  • Ethical Considerations for Content Strategy
  • How to Develop Measurable Ethical Outcomes