The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference | 5–8 October 2025 | Atlanta, GA
Amanda Milligan

How Authoritative Content Drives Revenue

“Intuitively, we know it’s valuable to demonstrate expertise as a brand. But sometimes it’s difficult to get buy-in for these efforts since they don’t directly lead to more sales.

However, authoritative content, particularly of the earned media variety, can have a massive impact on your bottom line. Using real client examples, I’ll walk through how we’ve been able to dramatically improve the backlink portfolios of our brand clients and utilize internal linking to drive their long-term organic growth.”

In this session, attendees will learn:

“- The types of authoritative content that exist with a focus on newsworthy content/earned media
– How authoritative content drives organic growth
– How to connect the dots between publishing authoritative content and an increase in growth-related metrics”