The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference | 5–8 October 2025 | Atlanta, GA


Registration is now open for LavaCon 2025, to be held 5–8 October in Atlanta, GA!

Register before we post the program in late February and bring your boss or colleague for free!

If you don’t yet know who the second person will be, use your contact info and TBD for the first and last name. You can specify who the second person is later.

 In-person Conference  Tuition
 Buy One Get One free (BOGO)  $2,450
 Optional half-day workshops (to be announced)  $200 each

Refund Policy

  • You can cancel BOGO registrations with no penalty until a month after we publish the program
  • After that you can cancel up to 30 days before the conference for $50 (to cover cc processing fees)
  • After 30 days you can substitute another person or carry your registration over to next year

Need to submit a travel or training request? Build a business case to attend.