Deb Bissantz is an account manager for GlobalLink CCMS. As an account manager, Deb helps organizations make the most of their DITA and component content management solutions. Before joining GlobalLink CCMS, Deb worked with and authored DITA content for many years. As a writer and tools administrator, she helped several organizations migrate technical documentation to DITA and to a CCMS. Deb is also a voting member of the DITA Technical Committee.
Can We Use GIT Instead? Making the Business Case for a CCMS Investment
Co-presented with Christi Guzik
Have you heard a variation of “Let’s use Git” from someone in management when discussing a CCMS solution for your technical content? Are you afraid of justifying the cost associated with proposing a CCMS solution to your upper management? Join Christi Guzik and Deb Bissantz as they share their experiences and resources from considering GIT as a documentation repository and how they successfully argued for a CCMS through building a strong implementation case.
You’ll learn the pros and cons of Git as a content repository for technical content. After looking at these pros and cons, you’ll dive deeper into the benefits of a CCMS solution, including those that are not readily apparent at the first glance. From this information, you’ll learn how to make a solid business case for a CMMS investment using a case study of how one technical content team convinced stakeholders and upper management that an investment in a CCMS was the best solution.