The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference | 5–8 October 2025 | Atlanta, GA
Pamela Noreault

Pam Noreault is a Principal Information Architect at Ellucian. She has over 25 years of experience in technical communications, education, and management. She specializes in content strategy, customer engagement, content conversions, and social networking strategies. Pam has an undergraduate degree in education from The Ohio State University and a master’s degree in English and Professional Writing from Wright State University.

How We Saved $57K in Deflected Support Cases in 5 Months While Boosting Content Views by 91%

At Ellucian, we had a content problem. Our customers struggled to navigate a maze of complex information scattered across locations and platforms. We had to figure out how to provide a simplified user experience that provided users with relevant content, given the implementation of their solution.
Our team worked to sync and consolidate the information in the different platforms and locations. The result was a unified user experience where customers could access all product and API content.
Through this work, our customers can do more self-serve. We have a 91% increase in documentation views. We have saved over $57k by deflecting support cases through better documentation experiences.

In this session, attendees will learn:

This session will be interactive. Come to this session to share your experiences, best practices, and stories. I will share:

  • The goals we created and the stakeholders we have onboard
  • Our ongoing best practices
  • Our ongoing strategy
  • The lessons we have learned
  • The evolving user experience improvements
  • Our ROI strategy and analytics we use to justify our improvements