The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference | 27–30 October 2024 | Portland, OR
Joe Gelb

Joe Gelb has more than 20 years of experience helping enterprises implement, maintain, and capitalize on structured content. At Zoomin, he has spearheaded the development of advanced technology solutions for digital experience. Prior to founding Zoomin, Joe was the CTO at Live Linx, a leading provider of software and system integration services for technical product information, where he designed and implemented solutions for aerospace, defense, manufacturing and high-tech companies. Joe holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology.

Celebrating Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Responsibility Through Self Service

Ironically, the underlying theme underpinning our social responsibility as content practitioners is self service. From a position of privilege, we are obligated to facilitate and maximize the inclusion of content—from documentation to support knowledge to community discussions to learning and training—and the diversity of channels. As our social groups expand and merge through acquisition, the complexity and obligation only grows.

In this session, we will explore strategies for implementing and celebrating diversity and inclusion that drives favorable outcomes for liberation, self actualization, and self service.