The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference | 5–8 October 2025 | Atlanta, GA
Celia Hunko

Celia is a Content Designer at Slack. She loves to bridge the gap between content and design and is a fan of the Oxford comma. In her free time, she illustrates microscopic worlds as @mossandpiglets. If you want to talk about tardigrades, she is glad to listen.

Retire the Spreadsheet:
How to Diagram Product Terminology in Figma

Let’s be honest, very few people enjoy complicated spreadsheets.

So when I realized Slack had over 35 terms to describe people, I wanted to figure out a way to visualize the problem and get my partners on board — all without a spreadsheet.

What I came up with was a scalable way to diagram terms in Figma in order to show how terms are related and identify redundancies. As an added benefit, this allows you to easily include terminology in design files.

In this session attendees will learn:

In this workshop you will learn how to create your own diagram, identify opportunities, and leave with an artifact that’s ready to share with your team.