The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference | 27–30 October 2024 | Portland, OR
Alvin Reyes

As a business architect with RWS, Alvin Reyes consults with enterprise customers to improve their end-to-end Content Supply Chain across Web, Structured Content, and Language technology and processes.
He loves blogging, online communities, and promoting and supporting content (management) champions!

Goal-oriented Content Delivery: Beyond AI, Search, and “One Right Answer”


Tech docs users have goals a single page cannot answer. Writers are challenged to design content for sophisticated tasks that require reference information, scenarios, and guidance across different media for many contexts while following unpredictable paths. And it’s not enough to rely just on search, curated hyperlinks, taxonomy, varying page lengths, or even AI.

There isn’t always one right approach nor one right answer. Sophisticated user goals require a combination of techniques to create a flexible, scalable, and trustable information model. Join this presentation to learn the real needs of complex users tasks and how to map them to usable metadata. See what AI can do to suggest appropriate content and what it can’t. And consider suitable goal-oriented solutions for your own organization’s needs.

Introducing the Component Content Alliance: A Resource for Content Professionals

Fellow Panelists: Marianne Calilhanna and Sarah O’Keefe

The Component Content Alliance (CCA) is a new collaborative initiative formed by industry leaders who work in organizations that support content creation and management. The alliance promotes collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the adoption of best practices in component content management – also known as structured content management – across various industries. Comprising leading technology providers, consulting firms, and industry experts, the alliance empowers organizations to drive operational efficiencies, enhance customer experiences, and streamline service and support through optimized content authoring and management processes.

This interactive panel presentation from some of the founding CCA members offers you the opportunity to learn how you can take part in the CCA or rely on the CCA for insights, experiences, and industry knowledge.


In this session attendees will learn:

  • Understand the diverse perspectives and roles within the Component Content Alliance (CCA), including those of industry experts and novices, and how they contribute to the collaborative learning environment.
  • Explore key tenets of content management presented by panelists representing different sectors within the CCA, gaining insights into various approaches and best practices.
  • Identify opportunities for leveraging the CCA as a resource for learning about the content management landscape, including accessing expertise, gaining insights, and fostering professional development.