The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference | 5–8 October 2025 | Atlanta, GA
Alan Pringle

A pillar in the content industry, Alan is the COO and an experienced content strategist at Scriptorium. Driven by a mission to connect your content creators to your consumers, he pinpoints technologies and process improvements so your content accomplishes your corporate goals. He then guides your team through company culture and change management obstacles.

As a strategist, Alan identifies the technology that will do the heavy lifting of managing your content lifecycle. He shows your team how these advances make their professional lives better while allowing them to contribute to the growth of your organization.

The Horror of Modernizing Content

Co-presented with: Janet Zarecor

Changing the way you develop content can be a horrifying experience, but proper planning will help you beat back the monsters that derail your progress:

  • Fear of the unknown tech lurking around the corner.
  • Villagers (staff!) with their pitchforks out.
  • Frustration over moving your current documentation monster from one castle to another.

But you don’t need a bigger boat to defeat the creature: small steps can be very effective to make incremental progress. Many of these steps are system-agnostic and can benefit you, regardless of the technology you ultimately pick.

Mayo Clinic and Scriptorium partnered to move from copying and pasting Word documents into the future of healthcare provider education with flexible, scalable content.
Learn about the planning and work you should do before picking new technology—and set yourself up to vanquish the extra redundant work monsters.

In this session, attendees will learn:

  • Take small steps to optimize your content for reuse, automated delivery, and more.
  • Acclimate staff to the idea of changing how they create and distribute content.
  • Don’t focus on the tech. Focus on the people and outcomes.
  • Buy-in and investment from everyone is crucial for success.