The LavaCon Content Strategy Conference | 5–8 October 2025 | Atlanta, GA
Brandon Rafalson

Brandon Rafalson photographBrandon Rafalson is the Head of Editorial at Bizzabo and a total events geek. Over the past three years, Brandon has scaled Bizzabo’s content team to achieve business goals across the funnel. In addition to overseeing blog, email, original research, video, and partnership marketing programs, Brandon also hosts and produces the IN-PERSON podcasts where he speaks with event marketing leaders from brands like SAP, Twitter, LinkedIn, Forbes, and IBM.

How to Connect Content Performance to Revenue Goals Brandon Rafalson,

Content managers at start-ups are tasked with the seemingly impossible feat of moving the needle with content — with limited resources and a nearly non-existent search presence. We’ll cover measurement by leading indicators like views, to lagging indicators like sales pipeline and closedwon revenue. We’ll take a behind-the-scenes look at how Bizzabo scaled its blog traffic by 228% between 2018 and 2020 and demonstrate the fundamentals to building a scrappy content engine from the ground up.